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11/21/14:06  [PR]



04/12/19:50  Dark wine includes a substance called by altering the stomach microbiome resveratrol, that could decrease the threat of cardiovascular disease, based on study published in

Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of red wine Malaysia, death in other industrialized nations as well as america, which is rapidly being a significant health problem in developing countries, also.
Recent research to the intestine microbiome implies that it holds the key to a lot of health problems, and today it seems that it may have a direct effect on the progression of atherosclerosis.
When plaque, which contains fat, cholesterol, calcium and other materials, piles up in the arteries, atherosclerosis occurs. This may lead to vascular dementia, stroke, heart attack as well as death.
Atherosclerosis also can change the kidneys and legs, the pelvis and the arms, and it may cause a variety disorders including the arteries.